Updating Ruby
Updating Ruby
Currently our supported Ruby version in Sufia 7 is 2.3.1
How to Rollback and upgrade if needed
We are manually building Ruby and not using the packaged version of Ruby (it is too old). Currently we do not use rvm or a similar tool (I assume because those tools cause issues with Hydra/Sufia? -Dan). Thankfully upgrading/downgrading ruby is easy enough.
The preferred method is to simply build a new box with the desired Ruby version.
If you need to edit Ruby versions in place follow these instructions.
To uninstall run the following:
- whereis ruby
- rm -r (all results from prior command)
- That should remove the old versions
To install:
- Download Ruby version
- Follow these instructions: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/installation/#building-from-source
- Add bundler with
sudo gem install bundler
Since this takes Ruby out for a while never do this on Production.
, multiple selections available,