Ruby Version upgrade (Obsolete)
Ruby Version upgrade (Obsolete)
Upgrade Steps
When a new version of ruby is needed, you'll want to make a new AMI with the version you want to upgrade to.
- Open to the group_vars files ruby_ami and ruby_java_ami with
ansible-vault edit
- In the vars files edit the ruby version number and get the new sha256 checksum for the tar.gz version from the ruby site (https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/releases/)
- Also change the ami name to reflect the new version of ruby in use
- If it is a major or minor ruby version change (2→3, or 2.5 → 2.6) edit ruby_major_minor_ver with the new version number as well, patch changes do not need this.
- Run the build command:
ansible-playbook build_ami.yml --ask-vault-pass --private-key=~/.ssh/chf_prod.pem --extra-vars "build={{ BUILD_VERSION }}"
with build_version being the ruby_ami or ruby_java_ami - Update the group_vars files to use the new AMI in the app, solr, and jobs files.
Switch Box steps
- Leave current servers up
- Build new boxes for app, jobs, and solr. (See how to build boxes Ansible or in the README. You may want to use a new iteration number to keep track of them)
- Once boxes are done, alert staff to stop all edits and ingests in that tier of service (ALWAYS TEST ON STAGING FIRST)
- Once boxes are done, alert staff to stop all edits and ingests in that tier of service (ALWAYS TEST ON STAGING FIRST)
- Record the new internal IP addresses for each box
- Edit the redis_db_ip, postgres_db_ip, and solr_ip, with the new values the fedora_ip should not need to chance as fedora won't need to be rebuilt. DO NOT PUSH THIS UPDATE TO BITBUCKET YET.
- Make sure new boxes are fully connected by running update-box.yml on the new boxes with the new values from the prior step.
- Cap deploy to new boxes
- Make sure cap gives no errors.
- For staging, recover from last night's backups in S3 (see Backups and Recovery (Historical notes))
- For prod, you will need a current backup
- Tell staff to stop editing/ingesting data
- Run a backup of solr by going to the old solr box and running the solr backup script as ubuntu (./~/bin/solr-backup.sh)
- Backup app's postgres DB and Redis
- On new boxes
- In new-app drop the blank chf_hydra db, create a new blank chf_hydra db and then follow the postgres import instructions in Backups and Recovery (Historical notes)
- Stop Redis, delete the existing redis.rdb in
- Copy the backed up redis.rdb over to the folder and make sure it is owned by redis
- Restart Redis
- Stop Redis, delete the existing redis.rdb in
- In new-solr run the solr restore commands in Application administration (Obsolete)
- In new-app drop the blank chf_hydra db, create a new blank chf_hydra db and then follow the postgres import instructions in Backups and Recovery (Historical notes)
- Edit New-Prod App to allow IP access without directing to actual prod by disabling apache redirect
- This is not completely needed, but is a way to be sure there were no problems
- Check that New-Prod works properly with solr's index being loaded
- Return New-Prod App to normal apache configuration
- Move Elastic IP from app-prod to the new app-prod.
- Now commit the changes to Bitbucket with the updated internal networking IPs.
Revert Box steps
Assuming the old boxes were not deleted. Follow these steps.
- Start the old servers up.
- Double check their internal IP addresses, they should be the same as before but always be sure.
- Check netdata to be sure they have resque workers running
- Tell users to stop adding new items
- Run a backup of solr
- Backup app's postgres DB and Redis
- On new production boxes
- In new-app drop the blank chf_hydra db, create a new blank chf_hydra db and then follow the postgres import instructions in Backups and Recovery (Historical notes)
- Stop Redis, delete the existing redis.rdb in
- Copy the backed up redis.rdb over to the folder and make sure it is owned by redis
- Restart Redis
- Stop Redis, delete the existing redis.rdb in
- In new-solr run the solr restore commands in Application administration (Obsolete)
- In new-app drop the blank chf_hydra db, create a new blank chf_hydra db and then follow the postgres import instructions in Backups and Recovery (Historical notes)
- Edit New-Prod App to allow IP access without directing to actual prod by disabling apache redirect
- This is not completely needed, but is a way to be sure there were no problems
- Check that New-Prod works properly with solr's index being loaded
- Return New-Prod App to normal apache configuration
- Move Elastic IP from app-prod to the new app-prod.
- Make sure all details in ansible's group_vars files are up to date with any internal IP address changes and commit and merge with master.
, multiple selections available,
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