Applied Linked Data IG / WG
Current summary of this group's work: moved to
Personal notes from 2016.01.07 meeting
* linked data coding work happening in active triples.
* goal of this group - local cache of linked data in use by the application
* LDF spec - implementation is triple pattern fragments - lightweight querying, not the whole SPARQL interface.
* this WG has a similar implementation - you send it a subject and it gives you back everything about that subject. caching happens in the back. implementation does this with switchable back ends, lead is marmotta.
* other hydra people’s hydra thing. (hydra ontology)
Also look at descriptive metadata group.
* creation of properties / ontologies for vocabularies
* creation of custom vocabularies.
controlled vocabulary manager - a repo - look at notes from last two meetings - powers opaquenamespace. (
sanderson has a custom proof-of-concept code using marmotta.
no one in this group currently has a lot of bandwidth to be doing this work; mostly sharing ideas.
Corey offers to read a grant proposal.
Other standing item.
Use case - everything as a stored field in Solr so we can do atomic updates.
OCR complicates this because it’s so big that you don’t want it returned every time you request the document. there’s a patch to exclude a field but it’s currently broken.