Oral History Access Levels and Restrictions

Oral History Access Levels and Restrictions

Access levels are determined by any stipulations the interviewee makes on the final release form. The access level, in turn, determines how we make the interview available via the Othmer Library and OPAC, the COH website, and the Institute’s Digital Collections.


Free Access: The interviewee has not stipulated any restrictions on the final release form.


·         The “Access Level” field in the database record should be set to “Free.”

·         The transcript should include a “Free Access” citation page.

·         Our digital files should be stored alphabetically by interviewee last name at J:\Interview Transcripts – Finalized.

·         A bound copy should be given to library to be catalogued in the OPAC and shelved.

·         A detailed record of the interview, including front matter and index, should appear on our website. The access level should show as “Free.” The PDF full transcript of the interview should be uploaded to the website so that users can order it for free and receive a link via email automatically.

·         The transcript and audio can be added to the Digital Collections when the interviewee dies. We can seek permission for internet posting in order to add the transcript to the Digital Collection during the interviewee’s lifetime.


Restricted: The interviewee has stipulated that the interview is not to be made available at all, or only with his/her express permission either during his/her lifetime or to a specified date.


·         The “Access Level” field in the database record should be set to “Restricted,” and details about the nature of the restrictions and the date the restrictions are to be lifted should be included in the database record. When the restrictions are lifted and/or the interviewee dies, the “Access Level” field should be updated to “Free.”

·         The transcript should include a “Restricted” citation page. When the interviewee dies/the restrictions are lifted, the citation page should be changed to “Free Access” with a note about prior restrictions having been lifted (see “Death—Free Access blurb” in Standardized Materials\Forms.)

·         Our digital files should be stored in the +Restricted subfolder of J:\Interview Transcripts – Finalized.

·         No library copy should be printed/bound until the restrictions are lifted and the citation page has been updated to “Free Access.”

·         A detailed record of the interview, including front matter and index, should appear on our website. The access level should show as “Restricted.” The PDF full transcript of the interview should NOT be uploaded to the website; staff must personally handle any orders until such time as the restrictions are lifted and the access level is changed, and the citation page is updated accordingly.

·         The transcript and audio can be added to the Digital Collections when the interviewee dies/the restrictions are lifted and the citation page has been updated.


Free, with restrictions: The interviewee has stipulated some restrictions on the interview short of a total embargo. This may consist of sealing the audio and/or portions of the transcript, temporarily or permanently, or of restricting internet posting but allowing access via the Othmer Library.


·         The “Access Level” field in the database record should be set to “Free, with restrictions,” and details about the nature of the restrictions and the date the restrictions are to be lifted should be included in the database record.

·         The transcript should include a “Free Access” citation page.

·         Our digital files should be stored alphabetically by interviewee last name at J:\Interview Transcripts – Finalized. Any embargoed material should be stored separately under the interviewee’s name in the +Restricted subfolder of  J:\Interview Transcripts – Finalized.

·         A bound copy should be given to library to be catalogued in the OPAC and shelved.

·         Unless otherwise stipulated in the interviewee’s restrictions, a detailed record of the interview, including front matter and index, should appear on our website. The access level should be set to “Free.” The PDF full transcript of the interview should be uploaded to the website so that users can order it for free and receive a link via email automatically. If the interviewee’s restrictions affect internet posting, minimal information about the interview can be included on the website, front matter and index can be omitted and the full PDF should not be uploaded. The access level in that case should be set to “Restricted” even though the citation page shows “Free.” A more detailed online record can be added after the relevant restrictions are lifted.

·         The transcript (and audio, depending on the nature of the restrictions) can be added to the Digital Collections when the interviewee dies/the restrictions are lifted and the citation page has been updated if necessary.


Semi-restricted: DO NOT USE. This access level exists for transcripts released under the terms of a now disused final release form. That form explained semi-restricted as: “May view the Work.  [Interviewee’s] permission required to quote, cite, or reproduce.” For existing transcripts still classified as “semi-restricted”:


·         The “Access Level” field in the database record should be set to “Semi-restricted,” and “permission required to quote, cite or reproduce” should appear in the “Restriction Details” field. When the interviewee dies, the “Access Level” field should be updated to “Free.”

·         The transcript should include a “Semi-restricted” citation page. When the interviewee dies, the citation page should be changed to “Free Access” with a note about prior restrictions having been lifted (see “Death—Free Access blurb” in Standardized Materials\Forms.)

·         Our digital files should be stored alphabetically by interviewee last name at J:\Interview Transcripts – Finalized.

·         A bound copy should shelved in the library and a record should exist in the OPAC. We do not reprint/rebind for the library after the interviewee’s death.

·         A detailed record of the interview, including front matter and index, should appear on our website. The access level should show as “Semi-restricted.” The PDF full transcript of the interview should NOT be uploaded to the website; staff must personally handle any orders until such time as the restrictions are lifted and the access level is changed, and the citation page is updated accordingly.

·         The transcript (and audio, depending on the nature of the restrictions) can be added to the Digital Collections when the interviewee dies/the restrictions are lifted and the citation page has been updated.


Restricted—FOR STAFF USE ONLY: Special case; use only as needed, and in conjunction with "Special Research Status" in the Status field.


Restricted—NO USE PERMITTED: Special case; applies only to contract interviews to which the Institute has no rights.