OHMS examples from others

OHMS examples from others

Standard Viewer

We believe these are the ‘standard’ OHMS viewer – although they are embedded using an “iframe” in a host CMS. Within the actual OHMS page, if these look different from each other, it may be a result of different configuration, or different versions of OHMS viewer?


Custom Viewer

We are looking for examples of those who have made custom/local OHMS viewers. Some of these may not include all the features of the standard OHMS viewer. It’s possible most/all of these are actually PHP “forks” of the standard viewer, not written from scratch as we are considering.

Brooklyn Historical Society

  • https://oralhistory.brooklynhistory.org/interviews/fargeat-sebastien-snowden-vanessa-20120411/

    • Has both ‘index’ and ‘transcript’ in this example, other BHS have just one or the other

    • This may be in PHP and a ‘fork’ of the standard viewer?

    • Does fit into host CMS styles better, and appears to have a customized audio player

    • “Search” option seems to disappear on small screens, is that true of standard viewer? Not current version of standard viewer, may be bug.

    • May be missing some features from standard viewer, like jumping from an index section to that point in transcript. (May have been forked from an earlier standard version without those features?)

    • Note at the bottom says “Built by Hard G & CHIPS”, probably built by contractors…. Can’t find any email to contact BHI! https://www.brooklynhistory.org/about/contact-us/

Hagley Museum

Pacific Standard Time/Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Latah county oral history project

  • While Doug Boyd mentioned this as a custom local example, what I could find seemed to be standard OHMS in an iframe.

  • Perhaps they have a custom local player that is still in progress, or which they abandoned.

  • https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/lcoh/


Aviary Examples

“Aviary” is a propreitary hosted product from the same consultancy firm that maintains OHMS.

It seems to offer a more sophisticated viewer, in this case using a transcript that is synchronized to the sentance, which also supports “auto-scrolling” of the transcript along with the audio as it plays. Jon Cameron showed me this example. This example seems to have synchronized transcript, but not “index”.




Non-OHMS examples