Peer Examples and Resources
Peer Digital Collections | Interface and Functionality Inspiration
I found it hard to find examples of digital collections that have images, metadata, and transcriptions available on one interface. Here are some examples that include all three:
University of Iowa, Iowa Digital Library
Transcription associated with each asset.
Metadata included underneath. See Parent Details and Child Details.
Intuitive interface.
The transcription is not formatted to match the original text.
[note from Eddie] The transcription is not labeled; the text just starts immediately under the image. I had trouble finding it.
Would like to be able to view all the pages at once in the document, a la Anne Louis Tousard journal, 1791-1792 | Hagley Digital Archives
Note: This (Iowa Digital Library) example aligns most closely with what we are aiming for.
Toggle between metadata and human-readable transcription.
[note from Eddie] Interesting notion of a “view mode” instead of a tab. There are actually 4 different views laid out in a series of icons at the top of the page.
Can move through pages.
Metadata present on the same page.
Can’t see all the images in the work or search among them.
Uses TEI
Metadata is present on the same page.
Only one page at a time, can’t see all the images in the work or search among them
Uses TEI
Really like the tabs at the top of the screen to toggle between information. Similar to our Oral History tabs function!
All pages of the work are visible
[note from Eddie] Metadata is labeled “Document information”. Friendlier, I believe.
Uses TEI
Could be more aesthetically pleasing and simplified.
Easy to search across items
Interface outdated.
Not much metadata present.
Large-Scale Crowdsourcing Transcription Projects:
May contain useful inspiration for interface layout or software implementation. Most of the transcription interfaces are separate from the catalog or digital collection’s record.
From The Page: Collaborative tool for crowdsourcing transcription. Institutions can sign up.
Example showing how the transcription and records don’t link:
By The People: Library of Congress project.
Again, the transcription interface links to the digital record, but not vice versa.
Includes a GitHub page for the code used in their transcription program.
An active community of transcribers - may be useful to Jocelyn or our future transcribers.
Transcriptions made available as a dataset:
Smithsonian Digital Volunteers:
Again, the transcription interface is separate from the digital record.
A great set of transcription instructions.
Do we need software for chemical notation?
ChemDraw is an example I used in undergrad:
Miscellaneous other examples:
Drexel Legacy Center. No transcription, but translation is available on each page by clicking “TEXT”.
National Archives.
U of M Papyrus: Loan of Money
Columbia, Cuneiform Tablets!?!: and an object view
Biodiversity Heritage Library: Coffee; from plantation to cup (text able to be viewed to the right of each page. Hard to find the button.
Internet Archives re-usable reader: GitHub - internetarchive/bookreader: The Internet Archive BookReader