
This is what our digital collections interface looks like now:

Here’s a sketch of what I came up with for an alternative interface:

Potential Changes:

  • Add tabs for Transcription and Translation to the right of the selected asset.

    • For the tabs, I like both the UI design on the oral history pages and the way the tabs look on the back-end entry for transcripts/translations.

    • Transcription/translation content will change based on the image selected from the thumbnail navigator.

    • Bonus: Add an Item level metadata tab for child works??

  • Add a thumbnail navigator beneath the representative image/selected asset.

    • Ability to see all pages at once? See Hagley’s “pages” tab. Maybe we can incorporate something similar.

  • Add some text to designate which image you are on in the set. (i.e. page 5 of 84)

  • Move copyright statement beneath metadata

  • Keep option to open high-res image in viewer.

    • Would lose the capacity to see the translation side-by-side when opening viewer. According to user studies that is ok.


Also relevant: