User Onboarding/Offboarding

User Onboarding/Offboarding


Institute IT will configure accounts for new staff for any programs appropriate to the role. If the new staff member needs access to the digital collections, it is the responsibility of the Digital Collections Librarian to create their account.

Any user with "Admin" level permission can make a new user on Production and/or Staging. Follow these steps on both the Production and Staging server and explain the difference to the new staff member.

  1. Log in to Digital Collections and enter the staff dashboard.

  2. Select "Users" from the Admin menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Select "Create New User" and complete fields for "Email" and "Name."

  4. Select User Type:

  1. Select “Create User”

  2. Once the user has been created, click the "Send password reset" button next to their name. The user will receive an email with instructions for resetting their password, which effectively activates their account. Please note that accounts created in Production do not automatically sync to Staging and vice versa. To create a new user account on both sites, repeat the process described above. 


When a staff member with Digital Collections' access leaves the Institute, it is the responsibility of the Digital Collections Librarian to remove their access to the app.

Any user with "Admin" level permission can lock user accounts on Production and/or Staging.

  1. Log in to Digital Collections and enter the staff dashboard.

  2. Select "Users" from the Admin menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Click "Edit" next to the appropriate user account.

  4. Check the box for "Locked out" and click "Update User."

Please note that locking an account in Production does not automatically lock the account in Staging and vice versa. To lock an account on both sites, repeat the process described above.

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