Heroku Launch Day Checklist

Announce the start of the switchover on Slack

Send a message @channel to digital_general & clir_bredig_team

Disable logins on old site

Eddie will take care of this part:

Merge this PR to staging, then production. Wait for the management server to apply it to old-staging, then old-prod.

This should also end all the sessions, so everyone will be kicked out.

Pull database from old-prod to new-prod and reindex

Eddie will take care of this part:

ssh ubuntu@ "pg_dump --no-password -U postgres --no-owner --clean --no-acl digcol" > ~/Desktop/db_for_heroku.sql

heroku pg:psql --app scihist-digicoll-production < ~/Desktop/db_for_heroku.sql

heroku run rake scihist:solr:reindex --app scihist-digicoll-production

heroku run rake scihist:solr:delete_orphans --app scihist-digicoll-production

Set APP_URL_BASE on new-prod

Turn off staff access to the Heroku box, and set the base URL for the app to the prod URL:

heroku config:set --app scihist-digicoll-production APP_URL_BASE=https://digital.sciencehistory.org


Chuck will take care of this part:

  • Remove the A record for digital.sciencehistory.org

  • Point the CNAME for digital.sciencehistory.org to peaceful-basilisk-lhtznpb53fvrt1mv8yt398yy.herokudns.com

  • Remove the A record for staging-digital.sciencehistory.org

  • Point the CNAME for staging-digital.sciencehistory.org to convex-pelican-rsz77g7eof8bvxziiakaer03.herokudns.com

  • Point the CNAME for oh.sciencehistory.org to tranquil-gibbon-icqi7z9ngvnj4toc8g4ialyl.herokudns.com