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Action needed

(modeling step)

PropertyPredicate (formerly Elements)Sufia property, predicate, rangeRangePredicate URIFacetRequired/ Recommended/ OptionalRepeatableField Type/FormattingAuthoritySufia Display locationNotes (asdasdasdasdasdextendingthiscolumnspaceasdasd)             

Cat Lu (Unlicensed): choose predicate

Further discussion needed! (see note)

Filenameebucore:filename (PCDM) or premis:HasOriginalName

label, ActiveFedora::RDF::Fcrepo::Model.downloadFilename

xsd:string form fieldNoAuto-generatedLocal convention?File Details > Characterization > FilenameShould we go with the property used by PCDM (ebucore:filename) or the PREMIS equivalent? Okay I'm a bit confused! Sufia has a property called 'label' which is what I put under the sufia column. But it also has a property called 'filename' in with its technical metadata. As you know the tech. metadata is not currently stored in RDF and I don't think it 's worth messing with right now. We could go ahead and change the predicate for 'label' if you want. I'm not sure why they're currently split out, since they just copy one from the other -- maybe so that they can put it in the RDF? It seems possible the two will collapse?XTitledcterms:title

title, predicate: ::RDF::DC.title

rdfs:Literal (string or int)*NoFree textNoneDescriptions > Title*Currently Sufia autofills this with filename.Change to DC11Depicted Implementnone, move to edm:Place?Recommended, if availabledate_createdcreatedHydra objects?OPAC Link (temp name)

Action needed

(modeling step)

PropertyPredicate (formerly Elements)Sufia property, predicate, rangeRangePredicate URIsearch-able?FacetRequired/ Recommended/ Optional



Field Type/FormattingAuthoritySufia Display locationNotes (asdasdasdasdasdextendingthiscolumnspaceasdasd)

title, predicate: ::RDF::DC.title

rdfs:Literal (string or int) NoneRequired*NoFree textNoneDescriptions > Title*Currently Sufia autofills this with filename.
XExternal IDdcterms:identifier

identifier, ::RDF::DC.identifier

rdfs:Literal NoneRequired*Yes*Free text with drop-downNoneDescriptions > IdentifierRe-label Sufia element as External ID. Different drop-down label choices depending on depositor or resource type? Object ID, Bib. #, Item #, OH Interview #, AS Ref. ID. Capture Accession # for archival collections. Store the number with a specific prefix based on drop-down choice. Opac link can be displayed by computing on this field.

creator, ::RDF::DC.creator, range: "dc:Agent"

note in sufia this is the creator of the file. we are using it more at the work-level

none, move to edm:Agent NameRequired, if availableYesAuto-complete; Label itself is drop-down optionFAST: Personal Names, Corporate Names (suggest00, suggest 10); VIAF (alternative option - API info:; Local data? (see notes) Allow non-authority names? Discuss NACO workflow. Should we combine Publisher here as well? Is Publisher important enough to warrant a separate facet?
Change to DC11XContributordc11:contributor

contributor, ::RDF::DC.contributor, range: "dc:Agent"  
Change to DC11XPublisherdc11:publisher

publisher, ::RDF::DC.publisher, range: "dc:Agent" Descriptions > Publisher
XPhotographermarcrel:pht Date of Workdcterms:date 


DC range is rdfs:Literal

http://idpurl.loc.govorg/vocabularydc/relatorsterms/phtdate ImplementDate (Range)marcrel:dpc (Descriptions > Subject)Do we want this defined separately, as opposed to keeping this with Subjects?Discuss: technically dcterms:subject has no range but there's a skos note that it's intended to be used with a non-literal. make it dc11:subject?Subjectdcterms:subject

subject, ::RDF::DC.subject

none, move to skos:ConceptRequired*Yes[YYYY-MM-DD; YYYY-MM; YYYY; circa YYYY]NoneDescriptions > Date CreatedDate ranges? Circa? Undated/no date option? Date converters for Gregorian vs. Julian issues?
XDate of Publicationdcterms:issued rdfs:LiteralImplementAbstract (OH?)dcterms:abstract All Facets (suggestall); AAT (possible expansion)Descriptions > SubjectOne search for all or dropdown with authority choices? Check with Anna for best implementation. Temporal and Spatial Coverage ("aboutness") should be cataloged here.

description, ::RDF::DC.description text with full HTMLNoneDescriptions > Abstract or SummaryWISYWIG editor possible? Does OH want an Abstract field in addition to Description?
issuedRecommendedYes[YYYY-MM-DD; YYYY-MM; YYYY; circa YYYY]None Have Date Published label as a drop-down choice for main Date field.  
XPlace of Manufacturemarcrel:mfpbased_near covers all this        
XPlace of Publicationmarcrel:pup

based_near, ::RDF::FOAF.based_near, range: ""

none, move to edm:Place? Place/Location?Recommended, if availableYesAuto-complete; Label itself is drop-down optionFAST: Geographics (suggest51); VIAF (alternative option)Descriptions > LocationCurrent Sufia authority service is GeoNames. See VIAF, TGN, FAST, and GeoNames use comparisons on Basecamp.
XPlace of Interviewmarcrel:evpditto above text with full HTMLImplementTable of Contents (OH?)dcterms:tableOfContents        

resource_type, ::RDF::DC.type, range: "rdfs:Class"

none display?1.1/type TypeInscription?chf:inscription?   YesFree text with full HTML implementPlace of Publicationmarcrel:pup

based_near, ::RDF::FOAF.based_near, range: ""

Required*YesDrop-down menuSelected from DCMI TypeDescriptions > Resource typeDrop-down choices: Moving Image, Still Image, Physical Object, Sound, Text.
XGenre, moving to


none, moving to skos:Concept


http://idwww.loceuropeana.goveu/vocabularyschemas/relatorsedm/pupPlace/Location?hasType GenreRequired*YesAuto-complete; Label itself is drop-down optionFAST: Geographics (suggest51); VIAF (alternative option)Descriptions > LocationCurrent Sufia authority service is GeoNames. See VIAF, TGN, FAST, and GeoNames use comparisons on Basecamp.
implementPlace of Manufacturemarcrel:mfpbased_near covers all this
implementPlace of Interviewmarcrel:evpditto above
Cat Lu (Unlicensed), confirm desired predicate. (I found the ebucore one by clicking "creation date/time")Date Createdebucore:dateCreated (PCDM) or dcterms:createdDrop-down menuSelected from FAST: Topical, Form/Genre (suggest 50, suggest 55); TGM (possible expansion for graphic materials); AAT (possible expansion for museum objects) Drop-down choices (to be finalized with curators): Photographs, Oral histories, Rare books, Manuscripts, Painting, Prints, Scientific apparatus and instruments, Artifacts?, Ephemera?


chf:medium? (see github notes)


dcterms:PhysicalMedium None (maybe for Museum objects later)OptionalYesAuto-completeAAT  
XExtentdcterms:extent NoneRecommendedYesNumeric free text?None Variable extent/dimensions across collections. Set standard for measurements.

language, ::RDF::DC.


language, range: "dc:LinguisticSystem"

nonehttp://wwwpurl.ebu.chorg/metadatadc/ontologieselements/ebucore/ebucore#dateCreatedNoneNo form fieldNo1.1/language LanguageOptionalYesAuto-generatedcompleteNoneTBDFile Details > Characterization > ?Creation date of the scan? Can Hydra capture this in file details? Not sure. This is currently a user-supplied field - sufia's file description says

"The date on which the file was generated. Dates are accepted in the form YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 1776-07-04."

@Anna Headley (Unlicensed), looks ebucore has another digization date/time, so I think for our use case this one will be for the creation of the resource/record. Sufia sort of also captures this in Date Uploaded right now, so I'm happy leaving this as a Sufia default (or off altogether). I just don't want it to confuse catalogers, because what we really want them to supply is the date of the original material. Let's discuss more if that was confusing.

ImplementDate Originaldcterms:date edm:TimeSpan (Range)Required*Yes[YYYY-MM-DD; YYYY-MM; YYYY; circa YYYY]NoneDescriptions > Date CreatedDate ranges? Circa? Undated/no date option? Date converters for Gregorian vs. Julian issues?
ImplementDate Publisheddcterms:issued Descriptions > LanguageWould it be useful to set default to English?

description, ::RDF::DC.description NoneRecommendedMaybe?Free text with full HTMLNoneDescriptions > Abstract or SummaryWISYWIG editor possible? Does OH want an Abstract field in addition to Description?

crm:E34_Inscription OR ecrm:E34_Inscription

    NoneOptionalYesFree text with full HTMLNone There are two OWL implementations of the CIDOC CRM vocabulary. I'm not sure if one is better or makes a difference? I think this field could have one larger text box for filling out inscription text, and another single-line text field for inscription location.



subject, ::RDF::DC.subject, range: none but note that it is intended for use with non-literal

none, move to skos:Concept Subject/TopicRecommendedYes[YYYY-MM-DD; YYYY-MM; YYYY; circa YYYY]None Have Date Published label as a drop-down choice for main Date field.
Change to dc11:typeTypedc11:type

resource_type, ::RDF::DC.type, range: "rdfs:Class"

none*YesDrop-down menuSelected from DCMI TypeDescriptions > Resource typeDrop-down choices: Moving Image, Still Image, Physical Object, Sound, Text.
XGenre, moving to

 none, moving to skos:Concept*YesDrop-down menuSelected from FAST: Topical, Form/Genre (suggest 50, suggest 55); TGM (possible expansion for graphic materials); AAT (possible expansion for museum objects) Drop-down choices (to be finalized with curators): Photographs, Oral histories, Rare books, Manuscripts, Painting, Prints, Scientific apparatus and instruments, Artifacts?, Ephemera?
ImplementExtentdcterms:extent free text?None Variable extent/dimensions across collections. Set standard for measurements.
ImplementMediumdcterms:medium (maybe for Museum objects later)OptionalYesAuto-completeAAT Does Museum team want free text for Medium cataloging or controlled terms?
XIdentifier (Physical Object)dcterms:identifier

identifier, ::RDF::DC.identifier

rdfs:Literal*Yes*Free text with drop-downNoneDescriptions > IdentifierRe-label Sufia element as External ID. Different drop-down label choices depending on depositor or resource type? Object ID, Bib. #, Item #, OH Interview #, AS Ref. ID.
Still confused about thisCollectiondcterms:isPartOf pcdm:Collection?Auto-completeFAST: All Facets (suggestall); AAT (possible expansion)Descriptions > SubjectOne search for all or dropdown with authority choices? Check with Anna for best implementation. Temporal and Spatial Coverage ("aboutness") should be cataloged here.
dcterms:source is already in use; figure out what it's doing then talk to CatDivisionchf:division or edm:currentLocation or dcterms:source pcdm:AdministrativeSet  DivisionRequired*NoDrop-down menuLocal Drop-down choices: The Museum at CHF, The Othmer Library of Chemical History, Archives?, Center for Oral History
new (split from above)Series Arrangementbf:materialHierarchicalLevel rdfs:Literal NoneOptional, Required for Archival materialsYesFree textNone Free text field for series/intellectual arrangement info.
changed this predicateContainer/Part Numberbf:materialOrganization rdfs:Literal NoneOptional, Required for Archival and serialized materialsNoFour numeric free text fields?None Four numerical input fields for Box, Folder, Volume/Issue, and Part numbers.
 Related URL           Undecided if this field will auto-generate from bib numbers,

rights, ::RDF::DC.rights, range: "dc:RightsStatement", if availableYesAuto-complete?Hydra collections controlled vocabulary?Collections > Descriptions > Title*Set reciprocal relationships with HasPart.
dcterms:source is already in use; figure out what it's doing then talk to CatDivisionchf:division or edm:currentLocation or dcterms:source pcdm:AdministrativeSet DivisionRequired*YesDrop-down menuLocal Drop-down choices: The Museum at CHF, The Othmer Library of Chemical History, Archives?, Center for Oral History
Cat Lu (Unlicensed), let's discussRelated Materialsdcterms:relation

?? not sure if this is the same – related_url, ::RDF::RDFS.seeAlso, range: "rdfs:Resource"

pcdm:Object? RightsRequired*NoDropdown menuCreative Commons, etc.Descriptions > Rights*DPLA, Europeana + others are working on an international standard for rights statements. Can keep an eye on progress here: Also keeping an eye on this: Hydra using edm:rights instead of DC.
XRights Holderchemheritage, moving to dcterms:rightsHolder none, moving to edm:Agent NoneRequired, if availableNoTBDTBD TBD
 Credit Line     NoneOptionalYesAuto-complete?    dcterms:source is already in use; figure out what it's doing then talk to Cat
XProvenancedcterms:sourceprovenance NoneRequired, if availableNoURINoneDescriptions > Related URLLink back to OPAC record for collection information. Can maybe use bib/item numbers if available.
override with dc11Languagedc11:language

language, ::RDF::DC.language, range: "dc:LinguisticSystem"

none > Language 
override with dc11Rightsdc11:rights

rights, ::RDF::DC.rights, range: "dc:RightsStatement"*NoDropdown menuCreative Commons, etc.Descriptions > Rights*TBD
ImplementProvenancedcterms:provenance textNone Visible to staff only unless curators want info public?
 Rights Holderdcterms:rightsHolder edm:AgentOptionalNoFree textNone Visible to staff only unless curators want info public?
 File Creator            

predicate needed

Admin Noteschf:adminNotes           
Fields we won't implement yet
Don't implement this yetPhysical LocationPhysical Location          I still think Physical Location details would be nice to have in Hydra, but for now manual entry wouldn't get updated effectively.
Look at how collections work by default. This is probably in there (see also part_of, in list below - same predicate)Collectiondcterms:isPartOf pcdm:Collection? NoneCollectionRequired, if availableNoTBDTBD TBD

tag, ::RDF::DC.relation

  TBD/Topic?OptionalYesControlled textLocal?Descriptions > Keyword*For website taxonomy? Nobody wants this lol.
ImplementContainer InfoContainer Info  availableYesAuto-complete?Hydra collections controlled vocabulary?Collections > Descriptions > Title*Set reciprocal relationships with HasPart.
 Related Materialsdcterms:relation


pcdm:Object? NoneOptional, Required for Archival materialsNoThree numeric free text fields?None Fields for Series, Box, and Folder numbers?
ImplementDisplay InfoDisplay InfoYesAuto-complete?Hydra objects? Thought a bit more about this as curated "related materials," and I think a use case would be when there are multi-volume books that a cataloger wants to relate together. 
UnimplementAbstract (OH?)dcterms:abstract OptionalNo?Free text with full HTML      
UnimplementTable of Contents (OH?)dcterms:tableOfContents ImplementPhysical LocationPhysical LocationNo?List display?      
predicate needed Related Exhibit Related Exhibit  ImplementAdmin CreditAdmin Credit         

Here is a list of other things in Sufia. we'll get these for free with default behavior: