Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.






What version of fedora is running?

it's in the footer of the main page

for example http://localhost:8080/fedora/

Restart application without restarting apache

This will reload config files.

$ passenger-config restart-app

What version of the app is deployed?

$ cat /opt/sufia-project/current/REVISION 

*Update the changelog when deploying!

Deploy the application with Capistrano (Obsolete)

  • cd into the root dir of your chf-sufia repository

$ bundle exec cap [staging|production] deploy

  • On the first time deploying to a Solr box you must add the flag solr_restart=true to the deploy

  • If this is the first deploy, you need to start web services (because before this there was no project and apache / tomcat would fail to find various directories and config files). ssh to the ec2 machine as the sudo (ubuntu) user.


Our cap recipe will automatically send a slack notification IF you set in your unix env, `export SLACK_NOTIFICATION_WEBHOOK=webhook`. Get webhook from someone. 

Deploy with downtime

bundle exec cap staging maintenance:enable REASON="a test of maintenance mode" UNTIL="12pm Eastern Time"
  • It'll read "The system is down for [REASON] It'll be back [UNTIL]"
  • Deploy as usual / desired
  • Do anything else needed on the server that required the downtime
bundle exec cap staging maintenance:disable


Building a new machine on AWS with Ansible


  1. place it in ~/.ssh
  2. chmod 0600.
  1. useful command if you're having problems with the key: $ openssl rsa -in chf_prod.pem -check


  1. $ ansible-vault edit group_vars/all
  2. Look for # Use these temporarily for new instances
  3. ensure your ssh key is listed under keys_to_add


  1. $ ansible-playbook -i hosts my_playbook.yml --ask-vault-pass [-e hosts=ec2hosts]



Set up


Capistrano (first-time use)

Create an entry for the deploy user in your .ssh/config:

Host staging
Hostname NEW.IP
User hydep
#IdentityFile ~/.ssh/your_key
ForwardAgent yes
  • This keeps us from publishing server names, etc, in the cap config files which live in our public repo.
  • don't change the Host designation without:
    • Changing it in capistrano, e.g. deploy/staging.rb, to match
    • Clearing it with everyone who might deploy (they'll have to change their ssh config as well.
  • this will use your personal ssh key – the one that matches your public key on github, which is added to the deploy user by ansible scripts.


Git repositories for ansible - structure and use

Code lives at

Wrapper with local configuration lives at Wrapper contains:

  • our hosts file
  • our group_vars files
  • ansible-hydra as a git submodule
  • an ansible.config which points to ansible-hydra for roles_path.
  • Aside: pull requests can be submitted via branches; there's really no need to fork this repo since we'll all be owners.

To use

  • $ git clone clone
  • $ cd ansible-inventory
  • $ git submodule update --init

Subsequently, when you pull ansible-inventory and the submodule has been updated, just run

  • $ git submodule update
