Here are some notes about scope and assumptions for the migration of the OH microsite into the digital collections.
We plan to migrate the following metadata elements from the Oral History microsite into the digital collections:
Sponsor field ⬅ correction: this was actually entered manually, and was not part of the migration.
Birth and death
Date and place
Date, Institution, degree, subject
Start and end dates, institution, role
Date, award
Connection between interview and profile
The idea here is to compare each sample interview on staging in the digital collections with its corresponding microsite record. If everything looks good, we’ll run the import in production during the first week of May.
Careful: don’t actually change the metadata any metadata in the digital collections (staging or production) in response to this test, as it will be overwritten anyway.
Careful 2: If the data is wrong in both the microsite and the digital collections staging site, feel free to fix the problem on the microsite, but we won’t consider that a problem with the migration code.
Here’s a spreadsheet for notes. Or maybe we can just take notes on this page.
Any problems we identify that are widespread can go into GitHub as issues for Eddie to work on.
Problems that demonstrably affect only one or two records are probably easiest to fix manually in the digital collections once the migration is complete (early May, hopefully.) Make a note and come back to them.
Sample records:
Interviews with multiple interviewees: Cole/Verma, Aitchisons, …
Same person interviewed more than once: Lederberg 1, Lederberg 2, Hackerman 1, Hackerman 2, Hackerman 3, Hackerman 4.
Interviews with multiple interviewers: Hay, Ehrlich, …
Other outliers: Schoemaker, …
Random sample:
Feel free to add others.
Round 2:
Metadata to check
Interviewee portrait
Alt text
Interviewee biobios
Should all be there
Birth and death
Date and place
Date, Institution school (should be FAST), degree, subject
Start and end dates, institution employer (should be FAST), role
Date, award
- Biography
Should all be there
Biographies should be present if they exist in the microsite
Wrap up
We ran the migration successfully in production on May 5th 2021.
The migration code was removed from the codebase in pull request #1137: ).
In case our testing above missed any files or metadata, a backup of the microsite code, files and database will remain in Glacier Deep Archive storage at s3://chf-hydra-backup/oral_history_microsite_legacy_data/oh_final_backup.tar.gz