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Note: If Reindexing due to a server move, import the Postgres database of users prior to reindexing. Otherwise you will need to reindex again once the users have been moved over.

Reindex just works in solr:

# ssh to jobs server (either jobs-prod or jobs-stage)
$ cd /opt/sufia-project/current
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake chf:reindex_works

Or, try using cap remote rake:  `cap (production|staging) invoke:rake TASK=chf:reindex_works`

Note: reindex_works task only works when you already have a complete solr index, unlike the much much slower full reindex, which can be run with an empty index to begin with.

Note: make sure to use either "screen" or "nohup", so if/when you get disconnected from terminal on jobs, it’s still running.

Delete all the data

(Don't do this on prod!)
