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ArchivesSpace (or ASpace for short) is a server whose main purpose is to host a software program also named… ArchivesSpace. The program is “an open source archives information management application for managing and providing web access to archives, manuscripts and digital objects”. The server also hosts a few auxiliary programs who take the output from ArchivesSpace and convert it into various other formats, which are then made available via an Apache webserver on the same machine.

Child pages (Children Display)


We store digital descriptions of our archival collections in the following six places:


Type of technology

Number of collections described



Who can see it?

Shared/P/Othmer Library/Archives/Collections Inventories/Archival Finding Aids and Box Lists

Word documents

Roughly 270, dates 1997 – present.

This is the initial description we create upon accessioning a collection.

P/Othmer Library/Archives/Collections Inventories/Archival Finding Aids and Box Lists/Labovsky Collection Finding Aid.doc

Institute staff

ArchivesSpace sitepublic user interface (PUI)

MySQL-backed website

Same as below

Tischler papers


ArchivesSpace admin site

Same as above

Roughly 120 as of 2022

Entered manually based on the P drive Word files. papers

Only logged in ArchivesSpace users

S3 EAD bucket

EAD (xml format)

Roughly 120 as of 2022

Generated nightly from ArchivesSpace database


ArchivesSpace Apache front end


Roughly 120 as of 2022

Generated nightly from ArchivesSpace database.

These will be replaced by pages in the PUI in summer 2022.




460; see complete list

Exported manually as PDF from the ArchivesSpace site, then attached to the OPAC record for the collection



Most collections, categorized by subject.

Created and maintained by Ashley Augustyniak

Subject: nuclear chemistry

Technically public, but does not appear to be linked from anywhere.


  • Finding aids are stored first written up as Word documents at Shared/P/Othmer Library/Archives/Collections Inventories/Archival Finding Aids and Box Lists.

  • Kent , Birch and Patrick B. enter enters the data in them, one by one, into ArchivesSpace. They finding aids are revised in the process.

  • Once they are in ArchivesSpace:

  • Finally, the exported EAD files are also ingested by University of Penn Libraries Special Collections and the Center for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine (CHSTM).

    • Penn, in turn, processes these EAD files on a nightly basis and adds them to the Philadelphia Area Archives Research Portal (PAARP)search portal, a service funded by PACSCL.




  • Likewise, CHSTM ingests these EADs and makes them searchable at its search portal.

  • Note that external links to our HTML finding aids are rare and can be disregarded. There should be no need to provide redirects to these URLS when we eliminate them.

OBSOLETETechnical details about the server

This section should be removed later in 2022.

ArchivesSpace lives on an AWS S3 server ArchivesSpace-prod, at (also found at

The current production version of Aspace is 3.0.1 .

Terminal access: ssh -i /path/to/production/pem_file.pem ubuntu@

The ubuntu user owns all the admin scripts.

The relevant Ansible role is: /roles/archivesspace/ in the ansible-inventory codebase.

SSL is based on the following:

The executables are at /opt/archivesspace/

The configuration file is /opt/archivesspace/config/config.rb
Logs are at: logs/archivesspace.out

Apache server is at /var/log/apache2/

Configuration for the Apache site is at /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf.

Main users

  • Kenton Jaehnig

  • Sarah Newhouse

  • Patrick Shea

  • Birch Mezzaroba (intern)

  • Patrick Burden (intern)


  • To start Archivesspace:

    • /opt/archivesspace/ start (as user ubuntu)

  • There may be a short delay as the server re-indexes data.


OBSOLETE –Restarting the server to fix Tomcat memory leak

We restart the ArchivesSpace program (not the server) using a cronjob that runs /opt/archivesspace/ restart every night at 2 am. This prevents a chronic memory leak from eating up all the CPU credits for the machine.

When the server is restarted, Jetty creates a set of temporary files in /tmp

that look like this:


Only the most recent set are used by Jetty, but the old ones accumulate rapidly if the server is restarted nightly.

A cron job removes obsolete ones nightly.


The ArchivesSpace EADs are harvested by:




Center for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine (CHSTM)

Richard Shrake

University of Penn Libraries Special Collections

Holly Mengel

Both institutions harvest the EADs by automatically scraping

OBSOLETEBuilding the server

The server not yet fully ansible-ized.

What is missing from the ansible build:

  • The build doesn’t copy the scripts in /home/ubuntu over correctly. Passwords for the scripts also need to be provided.

  • All these directories under /var/www/html/ are also missing: css; ead; font-awesome-4.7.0; fonts; img; js.

  • The ubuntu user needs to be added to the www-data group

  • SSH keys are not loaded into /etc/ssl/private/

  • The archivesspace server is not actually started (sudo systemctl start archivesspace).


These consist of making backups of the sql database used by the ArchivesSpace program.

Place the Mysql database in /backup

Dumps the mysql database to /backup/aspace-backup.sql.
This script is run as a crontab by user ubuntu : 30 17 * * 1-5 /home/ubuntu/archivesspace_scripts/

Sync /backup to an s3 bucket

Runs an aws s3 sync command to place the contents of /backup at

This script is run as a crontab by user ubuntu : 45 17 * * 1-5 /home/ubuntu/archivesspace_scripts/

See Backups and Recovery (Historical notes) for a discussion of how the chf-hydra-backup s3 bucket is then copied to Dubnium and in-house storage.

OBSOLETERestoring from backup

You can get a recent backup of the database at

Note that the create_aspace.yml playbook creates a minimal, basically empty aspace database with no actual archival data in it.

To restore from such a backup onto a freshly-created ArchivesSpace server,

  • copy your backup database to an arbitrary location on the new server

  • ssh in to the new server

  • Log into the empty archivesspace database:

    • mysql archivesspace --password='the_archivessace_database_password' --user=the_user

  • Once at the mysql command prompt, load the database:

    • mysql> \. /path/to/your/aspace-backup.sql


If you have a sciencehistory.orgaddress, you can get access to it by filling out a form.See also